Schedule your time efficiently with a bullet journal

Schedule Your Time Efficiently With a Bullet Journal

Bullet journals are perfect for creating a schedule, organizing it, and making sure it runs smoothly. If you have more than one schedule to keep track of and maintain, a bullet journal will definitely make your life easier.

Use Weekly Calendar Layouts in Your Bullet Journal

In addition to your standard monthly calendars, you should also use a weekly calendar, as well. Your weekly calendar gives you a larger space for writing all of your notes and lists for each day.

Create Daily To-Do Lists in Your Bullet Journal

Your daily to-do list should be a list of simple, mini goals, or your plan for the day. By creating a to-do list for each day, you are organizing and scheduling the time for each of your days and, in turn, making them more manageable. When you create your lists, list everything that you want and need to happen for that day. Be very detailed so that you can get an idea of how your day is going to look so that you can plan accordingly and prioritize your time. Begin your day by reviewing your to-do list and tweaking things where necessary. As your day progresses, you will refer back to your daily to-do list to check off your completed tasks and make note of what needs to be accomplished next. Having a visual helps you to focus mentally on completing your daily to-do list, and it gives you an encouraging sense of progress and accomplishment each time you cross off a completed item on your to-do list. Plus, by writing everything down, you are giving your brain a break from having to remember and keep track of everything in your head.

Include All Events and Appointments in Your Bullet Journal

Even though you add all of your upcoming events and appointments to the calendar apps on your cell phone, you should also add them to your bullet journal, as well. When you are setting up your to-do lists each day, you need to include all tasks, events, and appointments for that day in order to properly prioritize and schedule your day. 

Add Cleaning and General Household Chores in Your Bullet Journal

As I mentioned earlier, when you create your daily to-do lists, you should be very detailed and include everything you want and need to get to accomplished for the day. That should include cleaning and general household chores, as well. Some people are ready good at remembering that they had planned on cleaning out the refrigerator today. Me? If I don’t write it down, add it to my list of to-dos, that refrigerator is not going to get cleaned until someone spills something in it forcing me to actually clean it right away. I’m terrible about remembering those types of things.

So, If you have a hard time keeping up with your household duties, then a bullet nizagara journal can help you become more organized in this area. Make a list of all household chores to be done on a monthly basis, then break them up into what needs to be done weekly and daily. If you have other members of your household that will be helping with them, you can assign certain chores for that as well. Include their chores on your daily to-do list so that you can remind them and hold them accountable.

Schedule your time efficiently with a bullet journal

I’ve mentioned it in other bullet journal posts, but it’s worth mentioning again. In order for this system to work for you, you need to actually do it and be consistent with it. There might be times when you prednisone don’t feel like messing with it, maybe it feels boring, or too much work, but stick with it and eventually, it will become one of your regular routines and you will reap the benefits of having an organized system for maintaining your schedule.

For more bullet journal inspiration, please check out my other posts and get busy creating!
39 of the Most Recommended Bullet Journal Supplies
13 Reasons You Should Start A Bullet Journal Today
The 4 Main Styles of Bullet Journaling Explained
The Anatomy of a Bullet Journal
Using a Bullet Journal for Short-Term and Long-Term Goals
Using a Bullet Journal to Stay On Top of Finances
Boost Your Productivity With a Bullet Journal

Color Outside the lines,

Melissa (Bujo Lovin’) Shantel

Melissa Shantel

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